There is a question floating around that is being
asked frequently: what are the roles and differences between human resources
and organizational development? The line seems to have blurred for some.
The blurring of the line has made the issue more and more unclear as to the differences
between them.
There seems to be no clear-cut answer. Recently
at a Toronto OD Network session the issue was tackled. Similarly a few
year back the topic was the focus of a learning team I facilitated at a Linkage
OD Summit. Simply put what are the differences between the role for
OD and HR? It is my hope that readers of the blog will weigh in on the topic.
I believe that the line is blurred because many HR
professionals have engaged in OD activities. As a result there has been a de
facto blending of OD work with the activities of the HR generalist.
To add fuel to the fire some HR specialists, especially in the area of
performance management and learning, have also taken on the activities of
organizational development. The result has been role conflict or
ambiguity between those who are OD professionals and their HR counterparts.
I have waded into the discussion here with some my
thought on what is OD and how it is different than HR.
OD is first a data-driven process; diagnosis and
intervention are based on some form of behaviourally relevant data (such as
observations, assessments, and surveys) collected through a process known action
Second, the OD model representation a total systems
approach, to organizational change in which this change is a formal and
planned response to targeted organizational issues, problems, and challenges.
OD work should be focused on and conducted for the
good of the individual as well as the good of the organization within the
context of what the organization defines as good. OD work should not prioritize
effectiveness and profitability over the needs of the individual within the
organization or the organization as a whole.
OD is NOT specifically about change management but
about the improvement of the organization through the use of social science
theory, action research and behaviourally based data collection and feedback.
The Different Functions Between HR and OD
Organizational Development
§ Improve the effectiveness of the organization within
the values and culture of the organization
§ Maximize the potential of human beings and their
contributions to the organization
§ Align strategy, structure, business processes, and
behavior into an effective corporate culture
§ Model and foster the organization’s values into the
Human Resources
§ Manage employee attraction, retention, development,
and performance management
§ Develop and manage programs for employee relations,
staff well‑being, workforce planning,
and workload management
§ Ensure equity and diversity
§ Reduce labor costs
§ Avoid litigation
§ Enforce corporate policies
As always, your thoughts are appreciated …