I was at a Bruce Hornsby concert recently and there
was a line in a song that got me thinking: “20/20 vision and walking ‘round
blind”. It turns out the line is
from an old Jimmy Martin song.
You should feel sorry for me as a human resources
consultant that in such a moment, struck by such a poetic line, the first thing
that came to mind was a question: “How do you measure behavioural
Perhaps it’s because performance reviews are around
the corner. Many performance reviews I have had experience with use a scale
akin to the traditional five point Likert Scale with the high point being “Exceeds
expectations.” That should be a
red flag. After all, how can you exceed expectations when it comes to the
demonstration of desired behaviours?
On LinkedIn you can find a spectrum of comments on
this debate that range from: “Why bother trying to capture the behavioural
performance since it is totally subjective?” to “Use a tool like 360˚ feedback
as a means of getting ‘meaningful’ feedback.” Neither of which are helpful. Everyone who thinks they have
the answer has 20/20 vision, while those who say there is no answer believe it
is impossible to see.
So how do you measure behaviour and can you measure
it objectively?
The obstacles before can be traced to some of the
1. Lack of a calibrated
understanding of the behaviour within the context of the culture and strategic
business plan
the behaviours that make up the behavioural competency model come from the
outside and are not based on the company’s DNA then the behaviours are not
deemed relevant by employees and they don’t buy into.
2. Corporate obsession on short-term
a perception that meeting or exceeding market projections is more important
than how one does business. Accordingly, companies will publish behavioural
competencies / corporate values and then reward people for results achieved while
doing the wrong things. In such circumstances, behaviours lose value and are a
source of confusion at best, cynicism at worst. This is exacerbated by CEO
compensation that is measured by growth of the value of the shares, linked to
financial performance only.
3. Annual reviews of performance for
the purpose of merit rating or as allied by forced ranking systems
spend the emotional investment in getting people aligned to the behaviours
when, even if they change, you still have to rank them? As a result those managers who do help
employees improve still have to put successful people in the bottom grouping,
creating frustration, lack of trust and internal competition.
4. The need for the tangible by
managers so they use only visible figures, with little or no consideration of
the intangible of behaviours
links back to point two above but also stands on its own. Most managers want
clear and clean ‘fact based’ decision-making. However, when speaking of
behaviours, I often use the quote often attributed to Albert Einstein:
Not everything that can be counted counts.
Not everything that counts can be counted.
The continued practice of senor
leaders who hire, reward and promote those who are a reflection of themselves,
without regard to the company stated behavioural profile or values
Enough said.
in all these points, with the exception of number five, is a desire for facts,
rather than subjective impressions, to accurately measure and assess
performance. This is understandable. Subjectivity will always lead to employees
questioning their feedback and performance reviews / appraisals. So to avoid
the conflict with direct reports, the performance reviews focus on the measures
that lead to profitability.
To correct this errant path, this you will need to
make the intangible measurable. We can do so by ensuring that:
1. The statements of behaviours are
authentic to the DNA of the culture
must be actions that support the execution of the business plan and are consistent
with the behaviours that underpin the values. Put another way, they have to
have validity within the organization itself not validity from external sources
or aspirational behaviours that are not clearly linked to the culture or the
business plan.
2. All employees, not only managers,
must have an opportunity for training to help them understand how the action to
accomplish the result is the behaviour instead of reinforcing the fallacy that
desired outcome are a description of behaviour
find that too many so-called behavioural statements are outcome statements, not
behavioural descriptors. The training needs to be done with managers and direct
reports together so they have a calibrated interpretation of what the right
action looks like in the workplace.
3. Measurement has to be based on
frequency relative to opportunities, not on how well a person does it once
it once, even by mistake, does not mean you demonstrate the behaviour every
time you are called upon to do so. As a result you need to eliminate from
feedback systems and performance reviews the concept of “exceeds expectation”
when speaking of behaviours. If you were supposed to do the behaviour 10 times
and only did it 9 you have an opportunity for improvement.
4. 360˚ Feedback or multi-source
feedback reports are best used only for the purpose of the person’s development
Feedback, even when used for development, is questionable feedback when the
report is shared with the boss. In most cases, knowing others will see the
feedback, people hesitate to provide meaningful and completely honest answers.
(More on feedback in our next blog.)
People purport to have various means to objectively
assess behaviours. However, anyone receiving feedback must understand that other
people’s collective perception of them is not invalid but the reality of how
other’s see them behave. Such impressions are always, to some degree,
subjective and influenced by the context of the situation. Will the feedback be
20/20 accurate? Probably not unless the circumstances, culture and a number of
other factors are consistent from situation to situation. Nor is it a given
that an individual will always accept that the ‘measurement’ of their behaviour
is accurate.
What can we do about that? The only consolation I can give comes from a song by my favourite poet, Bob Dylan: “You're right from your side, I'm right from mine.”
In this case Dave, subjectivity outweighs objectivity no matter how objective the subjectivity is. I'm a believer in scientific research. It is more accurate than random sampling. Bottom line question, what is your goal? In your profession, a less subjective evaluation might need a team approach. It remains challenging. Larry Litwin